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Onga Pentair Pool Shark Pool Cleaner

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Onga Pentair Pool Shark Pool Cleaner

Now there’s an easier, more thorough way to clean your inground ® pool. Remove the PoolShark pool cleaner from the box, attach the hose, place it in the water and watch it attack dirt as it prowls around the bottom and to the waterline of your pool. This is the “plug and play” cleaner you’ve been waiting for.


  • Two-way cleaning action—vacuum pad contains multiple rows of squeegee-like fins that scrub and dislodge stubborn dirt, while the flapper assembly and vortex chamber create a powerful suction effect to easily vacuum away small and large debris.
  • No need to buy, install or operate an expensive booster pump—works with your existing filtration system.
  • Cuts a wide 30.5cm path for maximum cleaning efficiency.
  • Effectively cleans gunite, fibreglass, vinyl and other specialty surfaces.
  • A complete system—includes hose, vacuum regulator valve, hose weight, eyeball diverter, and Vac Port door fitting.

With the PoolShark pool cleaner, automatic is really automatic. It steers itself to completely clean all surfaces and avoid hang-ups in corners or near steps or ladders. Other key features include:

  • Adjustable valve regulates water flow to set optimum travel speed for consistent cleaning of the entire pool surface.
  • Wide body design allows PoolShark to cut a broad 30.5cm path for speedy completion of its cleaning chores.
  • Consumes no additional energy—it works when your existing pool circulation system runs.
  • No bags or compartments to empty, all debris goes to your filtration system…where it belongs.
  • Installs in minutes without tools.
  • Performs flawlessly in gunite, fibreglass, tile or vinyl pools.
  • Comes with 10m of hose. (10 x 1m hose lengths)


Warranty Period - 2 Years


Now there’s an easier, more thorough way to clean your inground ® pool. Remove the PoolShark pool cleaner from the box, attach the hose, place it in the water and watch it attack dirt as it prowls around the bottom and to the waterline of your pool. This is the “plug and play” cleaner you’ve been waiting for.



Onga Poolshark Manual

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