Due to the ongoing bushfire situation in NSW there may be delays with deliveries.
Mon - Fri: 09.00 - 17.00 (NSW Time)
Sat & Sun: 10:00 - 14.00 (NSW TIme)
When you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, count on Legend® inground pool cleaner. A host of design features combine to keep Legend on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours.
There’s no fuss with Legend® inground pool cleaner. Install it, set it on its way, then sit back and watch it clean your pool from the tile line to the pool bottom.
Warranty Period - 2 Years. Labour Cover - 1 Year
When you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, count on Legend® inground pool cleaner. A host of design features combine to keep Legend on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours.
When you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, count on Legend® inground pool cleaner. A host of design features combine to keep Legend on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours.
There’s no fuss with Legend® inground pool cleaner. Install it, set it on its way, then sit back and watch it clean your pool from the tile line to the pool bottom.
Warranty Period - 2 Years. Labour Cover - 1 Year
When you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, count on Legend® inground pool cleaner. A host of design features combine to keep Legend on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours.
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